The Seal of God

God has been pleased to have a ROYAL SEAL, typical of his KINGDOM. He has marked with his SEAL his children who love him by keeping his laws and statutes, walking in obedience.

A book for people who believe in Christ and have been sealed and anointed by the Holy Spirit.

The world gives us bad news. But the children of God have been called upon to live the promise of Jesus Christ on this earth. JESUS ​​is our Savior, let us be brave and not lose heart, we are not alone.

Silvia Saavedra worked in Los Angeles, California, with groups of women in the community under a program called “De Mujer a Mujer”, teaching the Word of God, praying, organizing activities, and helping with family needs.

The Seal of God
© 2022 Silvia Saavedra. All rights reserved.
Published by:
Christian Editing Publishing House
Miami Florida
Covers and interior designs: Jannio Monge
Cover illustration: Troy Klinginsmith
All biblical references were taken from the New King James Bible (NKJV) unless otherwise indicated.
ISBN 979-8-9862090-7-4
Categories: Theology. Holy Spirit. Spiritual growth.
Author contact:
Phone: (951) 732-5097

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