Christian Editing
A story of faith, hope and heroism.
Insights into the book of the Bible that tells the extraordinary story of a beautiful, Hebrew star.
There are many reasons why the central character of the book can be called “the Old Testament Cinderella”.
Through a detailed documentation of her life and actions, the author breathes new life into our hearts through the story of Esther.
Alejandro G. Sandoval has had a long history of ministry in service to God, to the Church of the Nazarene and to souls in need of redemption. He has dedicated most of his life to pastoral service. For fourteen years he served as superintendent of the Southeastern Latin American District, with offices in the Phoenix, Arizona metropolitan area. He is a graduate of the Hispanoamerican Nazarene Seminary in San Antonio, Texas. The Southern Nazarene University, of Bethany, Oklahoma, granted him the title of Doctor of Divinity. He did graduate studies at the Perkins School of Theology, Southern Methodist University, in Dallas, Texas. He graduated from Nazarene Theological Seminary, of Kansas City, Missouri, with a Master of Divinity (MDiv) degree. In addition, Pastor Sandoval is the author of the following books in Spanish: Siete declaraciones históricas (2003), La indispensabilidad de la gracia (2015), Si un asno te habla, ¡escúchalo!(2016) y Amén, ensayos para la afirmación de nuestra fe (2018). He also co-authored the book Pastores influyentes en la región de US-Canadá (2016).
Esther, the Old Testament Cinderella
Alejandro G. Sandoval
Christian Editing Publishing House
ISBN 978-1-7340836-4-4
Categoría: Bible Study.
Formato: Softcover, 5.37″ x 8.25″
Páginas: 80
Precio de venta: US $9.95
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